Members of the media who are researching a story about our organization or about Stephen Ministry will find the following pages of our website helpful.
The Stephen Ministries organization logo
Stephen Ministries (or Stephen Ministries St. Louis) is the not-for-profit Christian educational organization founded in 1975 and based in St. Louis, Missouri.
The Stephen Ministry logo, signifying the ministry that happens in congregations
Stephen Ministry is a one-to-one lay caring ministry that takes place in congregations. More than 13,000 congregations from over 190 Christian denominations are now involved.
Media Fact Sheet—A concise, detailed summary about the Stephen Ministry system of one-to-one lay caring ministry.
Stephen Ministry Statistics—A map of the United States and Canada, showing the number of Stephen Ministry congregations in each state and province.
What Is Stephen Ministry?—An overview page that describes what Stephen Ministry is and how it works.
Stephen Ministry Stories—Video stories of people describing what it has meant to receive care from a Stephen Minister during a difficult time in life.
Who Are Stephen Ministers?—Laypeople who have trained and served as a Stephen Minister share their experiences.
Frequently Asked Questions—Answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about Stephen Ministry.
Stephen Ministries St. Louis is best known for Stephen Ministry, the one-to-one lay caring ministry, but the organization also develops and delivers many books, ministry courses, videos, and other resources used by individuals and congregations.
The newest book from Stephen Ministries, The Gift of Empathy is a powerful resource on an essential relational tool, equipping readers to relate in empathetic ways that make a difference in others’ lives. It defines what empathy is and isn’t, describes its benefits, shows how to overcome obstacles to effective empathizing, and shares wisdom on using empathy in a wide range of relationships. For information about this book, visit
If you have specific questions or need more information, please call the Stephen Ministries Center at (314) 428-2600 and ask to speak to someone in our Communications Department.
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Stephen Ministries
Communications Department
2045 Innerbelt Business Center Drive
St. Louis, MO 63114
Fax: (314) 428-7888