• (314) 428-2600

When and How to Use Mental Health Resources

Table of Contents

  1. The Purpose of This Book
  2. Defining the Stephen Minister’s Role
  3. What Stephen Ministers Do
  4. What Stephen Ministers Do Not Do
  5. Stephen Ministry and Mental Health Professionals
  6. When to Refer a Care Receiver to a Mental Health Professional
  7. How to Refer a Care Receiver to a Mental Health Professional
  8. After a Referral to a Mental Health Professional Has Been Made
  9. Some Final Thoughts on Stephen Ministry and Mental Health Care
  10. Appendix A: What to Say—and What Not to Say—When Referring a Care Receiver to a Mental Health Professional
  11. Appendix B: Key Information for Mental Health Professionals to Know about Stephen Ministry
  12. Appendix C: Guidelines for Mental Health Professionals Serving as Stephen Ministers