• (314) 428-2600

The Stephen Leader Training Course (SLTC)

Interactive online training to fully equip laypeople, church staff, and pastors as Stephen Leaders

The Stephen Leader Training Course (previously called the Bridge Leader’s Training Course) is a live, interactive online training experience that prepares participants to serve as Stephen Leaders. Available to members of enrolled Stephen Ministry congregations, the SLTC is offered multiple times throughout the year.

The Stephen Leader Training Course (SLTC) . . .

  • Delivers a high-quality training experience that engages participants with a variety of interactive teaching methods.

  • Fully equips laypeople, church staff, and pastors with the knowledge, skills, and tools to lead a thriving Stephen Ministry.

  • Provides dedicated time to work with others from your congregation, as well as people from other churches, so you can build on one another’s insights and experiences.

  • Offers spiritually enriching community through Devotion Groups that meet at the beginning of each session for prayer, worship, and fellowship.

  • Provides trainees with ideas they can put into action right away after every session.

  • Equips, encourages, and inspires participants to lead every aspect of their Stephen Ministry in confidence and faith.

Training Format

  • Participants are grouped in cohorts of about 20 people from congregations across the US and around the world.

  • Each cohort is led by two experienced trainers from Stephen Ministries St. Louis, allowing for individualized attention.

  • The training consists of 10 interactive online sessions of 2½ hours each (view sample schedule), including devotional time at the beginning of each session and a 15-minute break at the midpoint.

  • Each session blends presentation, slides, discussion, video, breakout activities, question-and-answer time, and more for a highly engaging training experience.

Upcoming Stephen Leader Training Course Schedule

Each SLTC cohort meets regularly at an established time. Below is the upcoming SLTC schedule for the next few months, which includes both 5- and 10-week options.

  • Five-week cohorts cover the 10 sessions by meeting twice a week.

  • Ten-week cohorts cover the 10 sessions by meeting once a week.

Cohorts Starting in February 2025
Cohort ID # Start Date End Date Days of Week Time of Day
All cohorts starting in February are now full.
Cohorts Starting in March 2025
11 3/17/25 4/23/25 Mondays and Wednesdays
(excluding Wednesday, 4/16/25; Monday, 4/21/25)
10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Central Time
12 3/17/25 4/23/25 Mondays and Wednesdays
(excluding Wednesday, 4/16/25; Monday, 4/21/25)
1:30 - 4:00 p.m.
Central Time
13 3/17/25 6/2/25 Mondays
(excluding Monday, 4/21/25; Monday, 5/26/25)
6:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Central Time
15 3/18/25 5/27/25 Tuesdays
(excluding Tuesday, 4/15/25)
6:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Central Time
16 3/18/25 5/27/25 Tuesdays
(excluding Tuesday, 4/15/25)
8:00 - 10:30 p.m.
Central Time
17 3/20/25 5/29/25 Thursdays
(excluding Thursday, 4/17/25)
6:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Central Time
18 3/21/25 5/30/25 Fridays
(excluding Friday, 4/18/25)
10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Central Time
Cohorts Starting in April 2025
20 4/29/25 5/29/25 Tuesdays and Thursdays
10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Central Time
Cohorts Starting in June 2025
27 6/9/25 8/11/25 Mondays
6:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Central Time

If you are interested in registering for one of these cohorts or learning about options later in the year, call us at (314) 428-2600 to speak with a member of our registration team.


What Participants Are Saying about the SLTC

“The training format works great! It gives me time to prepare for each session and to work with our leadership in planning this ministry.”

Howard Birdsong | First Baptist Church | Neosho, Missouri

“As a mom who has young children at home and runs a business, being able to do this training online was really a blessing for me. Plus, it’s allowing my congregation to get this ministry started now instead of waiting.”

Carissa Bartholomew | Redeemer Lutheran Church | West Lafayette, Indiana

“If you’re considering Stephen Leader training, I say go for it! Even with the rest of the class behind a screen, you won’t feel alone—you’ll have ample access to your coach and make close bonds with your classmates. The experience is well worth it!”

Laura Stacy | West End Community Church | Nashville, Tennessee

“The time went by so fast! The variety of teaching techniques and group discussion times, with both our own team and leaders from other churches, kept things interesting and helped me take in everything I needed to know. Thank you for providing this training.”

Pastor Len Peake | Bethel Bible Chapel | Sault Ste Marie, Ontario, Canada

“The whole training has been really enjoyable for me. I’m not as computer savvy as other people, but Stephen Ministries makes it so easy—I just push a button and I’m there! Plus, the Coach and the Assistant Coach are so organized, down to earth, and easy to talk to. I feel completely comfortable asking for advice or any questions I have. It’s been a wonderful experience.”

Paula Bain | Saint Francis Parish | Dracut, Massachusetts

“The training was comprehensive and perfectly delivered—it didn’t miss a beat!”

Jan Kinsel | Cross Evangelical Lutheran Church | Yorkville, Illinois

Who Teaches the SLTC?

Each group of SLTC participants receives personal, hands-on training from a Coach and Assistant Coach from Stephen Ministries’ staff. The trainers draw on their years of experience with teaching and implementing the Stephen Ministry system to provide the best possible online equipping to meet your team’s needs, preparing you to successfully lead your lay caring ministry.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do Stephen Leaders do?

Stephen Leaders:

  • publicize, educate, and cast a vision for Stephen Ministry in their congregation

  • recruit, select, and train Stephen Ministers

  • connect Stephen Ministers with people who need care

  • provide ongoing supervision and continuing education for Stephen Ministers

  • keep Stephen Ministry vibrant and strong

Who should participate in the Stephen Leader Training Course?

The Stephen Leader Training Course is for church staff, lay leaders, and pastors from your congregation who will serve as your Stephen Leaders—the team that will oversee and lead your congregation’s Stephen Ministry.

Stephen Leader trainees come from a wide range of congregations—large and small; urban, suburban, and rural; from the US, Canada, and beyond—representing many denominations.

  • Congregations just beginning Stephen Ministry usually start by having two to four leaders trained.

  • Congregations with an established Stephen Ministry train additional leaders as needed to grow their leadership team and keep their ministry strong and healthy.

If I’m not a trained Stephen Minister, can I still participate in the training?

Yes! You don’t have to have Stephen Minister training to be trained as a Stephen Leader, because the two roles are very different and involve different gifts and skills. People who have no experience as Stephen Ministers often make excellent Stephen Leaders. Typically, more than half the people who participate in Stephen Leader training have not been trained as Stephen Ministers.

Does the Stephen Leader Training Course train people to be Stephen Ministers?

The Stephen Leader Training Course does not train Stephen Ministers. Rather, it trains Stephen Leaders, the ones who will lead Stephen Ministry in the congregation. Stephen Ministers are trained in their own congregations by Stephen Leaders.

Can I receive Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for the Stephen Leader Training Course?

Yes. The SLTC is eligible for 2.3 CEUs upon completion of the course, subject to approval by the organization that oversees your professional continuing education requirements. You can request CEUs during SLTC registration—for more information, contact our office.

What resources do Stephen Leaders use?

During the Stephen Leader Training Course, your congregation’s Stephen Leaders learn how to use the Leader’s Manual and other key resources to build and maintain a vibrant, strong, and long-lasting Stephen Ministry. When you register for the Stephen Leader Training Course, you’ll receive a Stephen Leader Training Resource Packet with essential materials you’ll learn to use during training.

To Register . . .

The Stephen Leader Training Course is available to members of congregations that are enrolled in Stephen Ministry.

  • If your congregation is not yet enrolled, contact us at (314) 428-2600 for information about how to start Stephen Ministry in your church.

  • If your congregation is already enrolled, call us for information on how to register or to learn about additional training course slots later this year.