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Stephen Minister Forms

The forms on this page are used by Stephen Leaders and Stephen Ministers during Small Group Peer Supervision. They are posted here for your convenience.

These forms are copyrighted, and Stephen Ministries grants permission only to Stephen Leaders and Stephen Ministers at enrolled Stephen Ministry congregations to download, print, and reproduce these forms for use in their enrolled congregations. Any other use or reproduction of these documents is strictly prohibited.

See Important Copyright Information

Copyright Information

I agree to adhere to the copyright laws of the United States of America as they apply to these documents and as interpreted below.

  1. I will, whenever printing any of these documents, always include the copyright statement as it appears on the bottom of the first page of the document.
  2. I will reproduce these documents only for purposes that are permitted in the copyright statement on the particular document.
  3. I understand that Stephen Ministries grants permission to Stephen Leaders in enrolled congregations/organizations to revise these documents as needed prior to printing them for use only by members of their Stephen Leader Team. Stephen Leaders (and their enrolled congregations/organizations) who revise any of these documents accept full responsibility for any negative effects that such revisions have on their Stephen Ministry.
  4. If I revise any forms, I will include this phrase on the bottom of the first page of the document: "Adapted for use in [name and location of congregation/organization]."

Forms used during Check-in:

Forms used to give In-Depth Reports:

Forms used at the end of a caring relationship:

Forms used for supervision group evaluation: