Many Presbyterian congregations have found great ways to expand their care for church members and people within the community through Stephen Ministry. The articles on this page show how.
You have permission to download these resources and photocopy them to build support for Stephen Ministry in your congregation or organization.
“Bluefish Stephen Ministers”—A web page describing how, at Presbyterian College in Clinton, South Carolina, college students train as Stephen Ministers and then provide spiritual care and emotional support to other students.
“On the Front Lines of Care”—An inspiring story about a U.S. Army captain who lost a foot in an explosion in Iraq, trained as a Stephen Minister, and later returned to Iraq to care for the soldiers under his command.
“Equipped to Care Anywhere”—When her husband’s sudden heart attack left Mardell Rogers stunned and grieving, a Stephen Minister appeared by her side to provide care. This article tells how having a Stephen Minister was a comfort for Mardell in the midst of the crisis.