Share Your Empathy Experiences

Thank you for being part of our ongoing research on The Gift of Empathy. Your responses will help us continue to develop resources and training in this area.

Please answer the questions below. When you're done with the survey, click "Submit" at the bottom of the page. (Your responses will be confidential.)

    Share about a time when you offered empathy to someone—or when someone offered empathy to you—and it was a helpful or meaningful experience. The other person could be a family member, friend, coworker, person you didn't know, or someone else. Share details such as what happened, what was said or done to show empathy, and how you felt about the experience. If you have multiple stories, feel free to share them.

    If you've read The Gift of Empathy, what concepts or suggestions were the most helpful to you? How have you applied them in your own life?

    What additional thoughts or questions do you have about empathy?

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